create an entry (bukan Sticky Entry) with the title BLACK & WHITE PHOTO Contest. tidak perlu elaborate panjang lebar because i myself kalau nak masuk contest tak suka buat entry yang bercerita. sebenarnya kalau takat hanya gambar sahaja pun dah mencukupi hehehe ;p tapi kalau nak juga elaborate, i don't mind :) upload ONE BLACK & WHITE PHOTO OF YOURSELF. ye gambar DIRI ANDA SENDIRI yang hitam putih yuk and leave a comment on this post that will directly link back to your post. copy the above logo and paste it on your entry and please...link it back to this entry ye kawan-kawan :D (oh ye, you might want to resize the logo to fit your column size. sebab photo ni saya upload guna photobucket!) this contest ends on 31st December 2009.25th December 2009
n disebabkan e2...aq pertaruhkan pic kit0wg ber3 tyme kat camer0n..aq ske gile pic nih..
agp0wn aq masuk c0ntest nie juz 4 fun..=)
agp0wn aq masuk c0ntest nie juz 4 fun..=)

yang, bukan ke syarat die kene gmbar sorg je?? ko mcm da menyimpang je..
yer ker???lantak la...sje2 je..haha
nie pic plg aq ske..s0..bia je la..hihi
gud luck er..
hope menang nnti..
thnx niesz..
wanie ms0k juz ske2 je...
hey, good luck to u girl~!!
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